Every January, people across the globe commit to change. They pledge to eat healthier, save more, travel farther, or finally take that long-overdue pottery class. Resolutions are hopeful. They’re aspirational. And sure, they can be a bit overambitious, but at their core, they represent a willingness to be better.
Now, let’s flip the script. If resolutions are so powerful for individuals, why don’t businesses embrace them too?
Here’s the uncomfortable truth... businesses love to talk about innovation, but most stay stuck in the same old routines. Think about it, when was the last time you saw a company truly commit to bold, meaningful change? More often than not, “innovation” is just a buzzword slapped onto an incremental improvement.
The problem is that innovation, real innovation, isn’t about adding a shiny new feature or tweaking a process. It’s about transformation. It’s about taking risks and challenging norms. And that can feel scary.
But what if businesses approached innovation the way we approach resolutions? Not as a vague aspiration, but as a commitment to becoming something better.
Picture this:
it’s January 1st. Your business has just made its New Year’s resolution. Maybe it’s to finally break out of an industry rut, completely reimagine the customer experience, or create a culture that celebrates creativity and agency. Whatever it is, the resolution is bold. It’s ambitious. And it’s going to take work.
Of course, just like personal resolutions, this one will require more than good intentions. You’ll need a clear plan, an honest understanding of what’s holding you back, and the willingness to start... even if the path forward isn’t crystal clear.
Let’s say your resolution is to truly embrace innovation this year. What might that look like?
It starts with asking tough questions
What’s the big, transformative outcome you want to achieve by the end of the year? Is it creating a breakthrough product, building a more inclusive workplace, or rethinking how your teams collaborate?
Next, you’d take a hard look at what’s holding you back
Fear of failure? A lack of alignment across departments? Maybe innovation feels like something that’s supposed to happen “somewhere else” in the company, but not where you are.
And then—here’s the key—YOU START!
You commit to a first step, even if it’s small. Maybe it’s launching a pilot project or giving your teams the freedom to experiment. You measure what works, refine what doesn’t, and keep moving forward.
The beauty of treating innovation like a resolution is that it forces accountability. Resolutions have a built-in urgency. They demand action. And they remind us that the status quo isn’t good enough.
Let’s Design the Next Bold Year
So, as the new year approaches, here’s a question worth asking: What will 2025 mean for your business? Will it be another year of small, incremental changes? Or will it be the year you commit to bold transformation?
At twopoint0, we specialize in helping businesses move from incremental thinking to bold action. Whether it’s reimagining your customer experience, aligning teams to a common vision, or empowering your culture to embrace risk and creativity, we bring the tools, strategies, and fresh perspectives needed to unlock your innovation potential.
Resolutions aren’t just about what’s possible, they’re about committing to it.
What would it take for your organization to stop playing it safe and embrace a truly transformative approach to innovation? #LetsDesignTheNext