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What's Your Transformational Maturity?

Understanding where your organization stands in its transformation journey is crucial. Whether you're dipping your toes into innovative waters or gearing up to scale existing initiatives, we customize our approach to meet you right where you're making waves.

Explore the stages of transformational maturity through our origami-inspired model to see where your journey aligns.

The First Step into the Market
This stage represents the original business idea that started it all. It symbolizes the initial phase where the business concept was conceived, and the organization took its first steps into the market. Like crumpled paper, the idea began as a raw and unstructured concept but was shaped into the company's first offering. It reflects the foundational stage where the business established its initial market presence.
Amazon's Example
The company starts as an online bookstore, successfully transitioning from a raw idea into a fully operational business selling books online.
Navigating the Industry Waters.
The company expands its offerings, establishing a more stable and diversified market presence while continuing to build on its initial success. Like a paper boat floating on water, your organization is navigating the competitive waters of your industry and executing its strategy and navigating challenges in the marketplace. It demonstrates operational capability and the ability to sustain itself while adapting to market conditions.
Amazon's Example
The company expands into a music store, adding a new product line and navigating the new market while building on its initial success.
Achieving Market Differentiation
Here, your organization has differentiated itself in the market, enabling it to interact with the industry in unique ways. Similar to a crane that can fly above and see the landscape from a different perspective, your business has introduced innovative solutions or approaches that set it apart from competitors. This differentiation opens new opportunities and enhances competitiveness in the market.
Amazon's Example
The company transforms into a comprehensive online retail store, offering a wide range of products beyond books and music, thus interacting with the industry in a more diverse manner.
Introducing Radical Differentiation and Disrupting the Market
At this stage, your organization has achieved radical differentiation and has disrupted industry norms. Like a bird that soars above the water, your business has transcended conventional boundaries and fundamentally changed how the industry operates. This could involve groundbreaking innovations, new business models, or transformative strategies that redefine industry standards and reshape market dynamics.
Amazon's Example
The company introduces two-day shipping and one-click purchasing, radically changing customer expectations and disrupting traditional retail models.
Expanding into New Industries with Authority and Dominance
In this advanced stage, your business has expanded into new industries or markets with authority and dominance. Like an airplane that can explore different terrains and navigate across diverse landscapes, your organization has the capability to enter and establish leadership in multiple industries. This stage represents strategic expansion, diversification, and the ability to leverage core competencies across different sectors.
Amazon's Example
The company launches on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs, expanding into the tech industry and offering services to individuals, companies, and governments on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis.
This is the "Eureka!" moment when a new business idea bursts into your mind. It’s exciting and overwhelming as you start to envision the possibilities. At this stage, creativity is at its peak, and the potential of your idea seems limitless.
Your concept has evolved into a Minimum Viable Product. This is the first working version that you can test in the real world. There’s a mix of excitement and nervousness as you prepare to gather feedback from early adopters. The joy comes from seeing your idea in action, even if it’s just the beginning.
At this stage, your MVP has been refined into a product that is ready to be marketed. It’s polished enough to attract early customers and provide real value. The feeling here is one of accomplishment and readiness as you prepare to launch your product to a broader audience. You're thrilled with the progress and optimistic about the future.
The culmination of the Build Up phase, releasing Version 1.0 of your product represents a major milestone. This is the full, polished release after incorporating feedback on the MMP. It’s a time for celebration as your product officially stands robust in the market. You feel a surge of pride and joy, knowing that your venture is now delivering a complete solution to users and gaining traction.
Now, you're refining the raw idea into a clearer concept. This phase is about turning that initial spark into something more tangible. You feel a sense of satisfaction as your vision starts to take shape, and you begin to map out the basic framework of your idea.
As you reach the midpoint of the Scaleup phase, the initial surge of growth begins to plateau, sparking a critical moment of reflection linked to a pivotal question: "Is it time to reinvent?" It represents a period of introspection and strategic thinking. You are challenged to assess the current trajectory and innovate to overcome emerging obstacles. The sentiment is one of cautious optimism, paired with the resolve to adapt and evolve, ensuring sustained growth and relevance in a changing market.
This stage is marked by the realization of a growth plateau. There is a neutral, contemplative state of recognizing that growth has not only slowed but stabilized at a suboptimal level. This is a crucial juncture where strategies must be reassessed, and hard truths faced. The mood is one of contemplation and caution, as the business needs to identify the root causes and plan corrective actions to prevent further decline.
At this midpoint of the "Level Up" priority, the business experiences steady, continued growth. This stage is marked by incremental improvements and optimizations. There is a content, yet focused state of mind as the business refines its processes, enhances product offerings, and strengthens its market position. There's a sense of satisfaction from achieving consistent progress, combined with a proactive approach to sustaining and accelerating growth.
The descent into the "Screwup" phase is characterized by a rapid deterioration in business performance. This stage is marked by frustration and urgency as mistakes and missteps become more apparent, propelling the business further in the wrong direction. It's a critical wake-up call that demands immediate, decisive action to halt the negative spiral and stabilize the situation.
Positioned between "Screwup" and the dire "End of Cycle" stage, there is a desperate need for a radical transformation. It's a critical point where the business faces potential failure unless it can successfully pivot and innovate. This is the last chance to shift gears back to "Shapeup," focusing on a fundamental reinvention to rescue and revitalize the business. The mood here is tense and fraught with urgency, but also holds a glimmer of hope for renewal.
The "End of Cycle" stage represents the unfortunate demise of the business, where all efforts to revive and stabilize have failed. There typically is a profound sadness and resignation around the end of the business’s journey. It’s a sobering reminder of the risks inherent in business and the harsh realities of competitive failure.
Having navigated the challenges of reinvention successfully, the business emerges revitalized and renewed. This phase marks the joyful beginning of a new chapter, where the lessons learned and innovations implemented lead to a fresh start filled with optimism and enthusiasm. It’s a celebration of overcoming adversity and achieving renewed success, ready to embark on a new growth journey.
There’s always the possibility of encountering a slowdown. A stage of uncertainty and concern as the business faces unexpected challenges that hinder progress. This stage requires careful analysis and strategic recalibration to identify the causes of the slowdown and implement corrective measures. It's a reminder that even during periods of innovation, vigilance and adaptability are crucial to maintaining momentum.
At this midpoint of the "Shakeup" priority, the business has matured and reached a significantly evolved version of their original value. This stage is characterized by significant innovation and strategic shifts aimed at revitalizing and disrupting the market. There is a sense of contentment and confidence, as the business embraces change and reinvents itself to stay ahead of the competition. There's an underlying joy in seeing the positive impact of these bold moves, reaffirming the business's position as a market leader.
Positioned at the end of the "Shakeup" priority, this stage marks the transition to the next cycle of growth and innovation. There is a determined attitude towards the future. It’s a time of strategic foresight, where the business is eager to explore new possibilities, develop groundbreaking ideas, and initiate the next round of transformation. This phase bridges the successful innovations of the "Shakeup" period with the foundational work needed for the next "Shapeup" phase, ensuring continuous evolution and relevance.
As you reach the end of the "Next Version Shapeup" priority, the business has successfully navigated through another cycle of innovation and refinement. There is confidence, reflecting the business's readiness to launch the next major version of its product, service, and/or experience. This stage is characterized by a well-prepared strategy, polished offerings, and a strong market position. There’s a sense of pride and assurance in the work accomplished, setting the stage for another successful phase of growth and market impact.

What's Your Business Priority?

Business priorities steer the ship, guiding your company through different growth stages. Knowing these priorities helps you navigate challenges and seize transformational opportunities effectively. We help maximize your transformational potential at every priority stage.  

Use our interactive business priority model to pinpoint where you're anchored on this strategic voyage. Interact with emojis at key points to chart your course.


Which Type of Innovation are you Ready for?

Innovation comes in all flavors—Incremental, Structural, Radical, and Disruptive. But which one gets your pulse racing? We're here to help you find the innovation journey that best fits your ambitions and capabilities, ensuring tangible outcomes that spark lasting change.

Dive into our interactive model to explore the thrilling rollercoaster of innovation paths and choose the ride that suits your team's vibe.

Incremental Innovation

Small steps, big impact: Enhance what exists with steady, meaningful upgrades.

Structural Innovation

Redesign the framework: Elevate your offering by reimagining its core, setting it apart in the marketplace.

Radical Innovation

Revolutionize the landscape: Introduce groundbreaking changes that can transform industries and birth entirely new markets.

Disruptive Innovation

Upend the status quo: Innovate boldly with a fresh approach that challenges and reshapes the current market dynamics.


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let's design the next.